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10 Geheimtipps für deine Reise nach Finnland

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Bevor es aber losgeht, hier noch ein paar Links zu meinen anderen Skandinavien-Beiträgen. Wie wäre es mit einem Abstecher nach Stockholm, wo du einige interessante Fakten über die Stadt erfahren kannst? Oder hast du Lust, die skandinavische Küche zu entdecken? Dann schau dir unbedingt mein Rezept für schwedischen Lachs mit Dill-Kartoffeln an. Oder wolltest du schon immer mal einen Roadtrip durch Skandinavien machen? Dann lies meinen Beitrag über meine Erfahrungen auf dem skandinavischen Roadtrip. Aber jetzt genug der Vorrede – lass uns eintauchen in die magische Welt Finnlands!

Foods to try in Finland

Finnish cuisine might not be as well-known as the food from other countries like Italy or France, but it definitely deserves some recognition. Here are some traditional Finnish foods that you should definitely try during your visit to Finland.

1. Ruisleipä

If you’re a bread lover, you’ll love Finnish ruisleipä, a dark and dense bread made from rye flour. It’s often served with butter and cheese, or as a base for open-faced sandwiches.

2. Salmiakki

Salmiakki is a salty licorice treat that’s popular in Finland. It might sound weird, but it’s definitely worth a try!

3. Leipäjuusto

Leipäjuusto is a type of Finnish cheese that’s been around for over 200 years. It has a chewy texture and is often served with berry jam.

4. Karjalanpiirakka

Karjalanpiirakka, or Karelian pies, are a traditional Finnish pastry filled with rice or mashed potatoes. They’re usually served with egg butter.

5. Lohikeitto

Lohikeitto is a creamy salmon and potato soup that’s perfect for cold Finnish winters.

6. Mustikkapiirakka

Mustikkapiirakka is a Finnish blueberry pie that’s usually made with a rye crust. It’s a perfect dessert after a hearty Finnish meal.

7. Kalakukko

Kalakukko is a traditional Finnish fish pie made with rye crust, fish, and pork fat. It’s often served as a snack or lunch item.

8. Poronkäristys

Poronkäristys is a reindeer meat stew that’s often served with mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam. It’s a must-try if you’re a meat lover.

9. Sima

Sima is a Finnish type of mead that’s typically made around May Day. It’s a refreshing drink that’s perfect for summertime.

10. Mämmi

Mämmi is a traditional Finnish dessert that’s made from rye flour, malt, and water. It might not look appetizing, but it’s definitely worth a try!

Overall, Finnish cuisine might not be for everybody, but it’s definitely worth trying some of the traditional dishes during your stay in Finland.

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